While running or cycling I tend to let my mind wander. It’s good for my mental health, but some strange thoughts do run through at times.
The thought for this morning was my most unpleasant experience. Excluding the obvious, I settled on a medical procedure a couple of years ago. I suggest the squeamish move on now…
Still with me? You sure? OK. Here goes.
When I was four, I had surgery for a squint. I was OK for many years, but a few years ago I developed a divergent squint – my eyes pointed outwards a little. The decision was made that it would be worth revisiting the surgery to try to get better alignment. This was two years ago. The surgery is basically detaching the muscles that control eye movement and reattaching them. If you want to see there are plenty of videos of similar surgery on youtube. Just search for squint or strabisimus surgery. This isn’t the unpleasant bit yet.
As a result of the previous surgery, there was quite a bit of scarring on some of the muscles. This meant after surgery I was left with a convergent squint – a bit cross eyed.
The first treatment to try for that is an injection. Doesn’t sound too bad. The injection is into one of the muscles that controls the eye. Starting to sound a little icky isn’t it. This is done under a local anaesthetic in an operating theatre. You walk into a fully equipped theatre wide awake and look at all the kit. They wire you up as normal. They put drops in to numb the eye, and wire up your face to electrodes. You need to look forwards while doing this. Did I mention it’s in an operating theatre? Have you seen the lights they use? Can you imagine what it’s like looking up at one? It’s so bright it hurts. It is difficult to look forwards it’s that bright.
Then they ask you to move your eye so they have a better chance of getting the injection into the muscle. So you look that way. Then they come at your eye with a syringe. It’s only natural to look at the sharp pointy thing heading to your eye, with the bright-as-the-sun lamp behind it. So you go through a few cycles of look to the side, they approach and you look at the needle.
Eventually you manage to stay looking in the direction they want gripping the sides of the operating table tightly, and they insert the needle. They then have to move the needle around until they have it in the right place. That’s what the electrodes stuck to your face are for. They listen to the noise being made and wiggle the needle about they have sticking into your eye. Eventually they decide it is the right place and squeeze the botox into the muscle. They then send you off home a little while later.